The weather was perfect for the opening performance of the Fairytale Town Troupers’ Sinbad & Aladdin: The Arabian Knights. Those who gathered to watch the show on the Mother Goose Stage were treated to music, dancing, colorful costumes, swordfights – and a fire breathing dragon.
The show was the culmination of many weeks of work by the Troupers. Fairytale Town’s Theatre Arts Specialist John Lee wrote and directed the play. The troupe of children ages 5 and up met after school and on weekends to rehearse the show. I often saw them rehearsing in the heat of the day on the outdoor stage as I left for the evening.
The show involved more than the children themselves. Their families had to make arrangements to get them here in time for rehearsal and to pick them up afterwards. Costumers had to make costumes. Our talented Animal Keeper Jim Hernandez was inspired to retrofit the dragon to breath fire. Music had to be recorded. The sound system had to be set up and tested. The swordfights and dances had to be choreographed and well-rehearsed.
Everyone’s hard work paid off. At Saturday’s performances, both the audience and the performers were enjoying the show.
The Fairytale Town Troupers have four more performances of Sinbad & Aladdin this coming weekend. I hope you can catch a show. You’ll see the results of their hard work at play.