Puppet Show: Tale of the Dragon’s Tail
Puppet Art Theater Company presents Tale of the Dragon’s Tail in the Children’s Theater. In this show, Princess Penny is happy to be home from her world travels, until she discovers there are problems in the kingdom. A dragon has been spotted in the hills above the castle, and her father, the King, has been giving all of the kingdom’s gold to a wizard who claims he can keep the dragon away. Penny suspects something fishy. Will Penny get to the bottom of the mystery? Is there really a dragon? Find out in Tale of the Dragon’s Tail!
Tickets are a $1 for members and $2 for nonmembers, in addition to paid park admission. Tickets can be purchased at the Fairytale Town Box Office or at the entrance to the Children’s Theater 15 minutes prior to show time. All performances take place in Fairytale Town’s indoor Children’s Theater.
Show dates: Saturday & Sunday, July 1 & 2
Show times: 12:30 & 1:30 PM
Run time: Approx. 20 minutes
Puppet Show: Tale of the Dragon’s Tail
Puppet Art Theater Company presents Tale of the Dragon’s Tail in the Children’s Theater. In this show, Princess Penny is happy to be home from her world travels, until she discovers there are problems in the kingdom. A dragon has been spotted in the hills above the castle, and her father, the King, has been giving all of the kingdom’s gold to a wizard who claims he can keep the dragon away. Penny suspects something fishy. Will Penny get to the bottom of the mystery? Is there really a dragon? Find out in Tale of the Dragon’s Tail!
Tickets are a $1 for members and $2 for nonmembers, in addition to paid park admission. Tickets can be purchased at the Fairytale Town Box Office or at the entrance to the Children’s Theater 15 minutes prior to show time. All performances take place in Fairytale Town’s indoor Children’s Theater.
Show dates: Saturday & Sunday, July 1 & 2
Show times: 12:30 & 1:30 PM
Run time: Approx. 20 minutes